Eduardo, Galeano

(Sept. 3, 1940 - April 13, 2015)


  • As Veias Abertas da América Latina

One of Latin America’s most cherished and admired literary figures, Eduardo Galeano was an Uruguayan author, who raised his voice incessantly for human rights and social justice. He was a severe critic of globalization and highlighted the dehumanizing facets of globalization in the contemporary world. One of South America’s most renowned writers, he was an ambassador of Latin American history and provided the world an insight into their culture, heritage and struggles, through his passionate and honest writing. Some of his notable works include, ‘Las Venas Abiertas de America’ (translated in over 20 languages), ‘Days and Nights of Love and War’, ‘Football in Sun and Shadow’, ‘Memory of Fire’ trilogy, ‘Am Rich Potosí: The Mountain that Eats Men’ and ‘Children of the Days: A Calendar of Human History’. His books are a distinctive balance of Latin American history and his fictional stories also have elements of Latin American culture and antiquity. This distinguished author also wrote books on journalism and pol

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